博士:南京大学,物理系, 2004-2007
本科:贵州师范大学,物理系, 1997-2001
2011.12-至今, 贵州师大物电学院, 教授
2011.12-2012.11, 德国TU理论物理中心, 博士后
2010.03-2010.3, 德国GSI, 访问学者
2007.06-2011.12, 贵州师大物电学院, 副教授
(1), L Shang, C Zhang, D Li, D Wang, S Wang, P Wang, Y Pan, Y Yang, and Q Zhi* et al.,State Switching of the X-Ray/Radio Transitional Millisecond Pulsar, APJ, 849,87,2017
(2), R Zhao, X Wu, Z Yan, Z Shen R. N. Mancheste, G Qiao, R Xu,Y Wu, R Zhao, B Li, Y Du, K Lee, L Hao, Q Liu, J Lu, L Shan, J Wang , M Wang, J Yuan, Q Zhi, and W Zhong . TMRT Observations of 26 Pulsars at 8.6GHz, The Astrophysical Journal, 845,156,2017
(3), L. H Shang., J. G Lu., Y. J Du.,.... Q Zhi* et al., Investigating the multifrequency pulse profiles of PSRs B0329+54 and B1642-03 in an inverse Compton scattering model, MNRAS, 2017
(4), Wang. D. H,Zhang. C. M., Lei, Y. J, Chen, L, Qu, J. L, Zhi, Q. J. Probing the accretion disc structure by the twin kHz QPOs and spins of neutron stars in LMXBs, MNRAS, 466, 1111,2017
(5), H.Yang, Q. Zheng, Q Zhi* , Optimal quantum parameter estimation of two-qutrit Heisenberg XY chain under decoherence, Chin. Phys. B, , 26(1): 010601,2017
(6), J. G. Lu,Y. J. Du, L. F. Hao,Z. Yan,Z. Y. Liu, K. J. Lee, G. J. Qiao, L. H. Shang, M. Wang,R. X. Xu,Y. L. Yue, and Q. J. Zhi. Multi-frequency radio profiles of PSR B1133+16: Radiotion location and Particle energy,APJ,816,76,2016
(7), S Zhang, J Xie, X Zhang, Q Zhi*, Decay law of allowed and forbidden transitions in β-decay half-lives,Acta Physica Sinica,2016,65, 092101
(8), Qiang Zheng,Li Ge,Yao Yao,Qi-jun Zhi,Enhancing parameter precision of optimal quantum estimation by direct quantum feedback,Physical Review A,2015,91,033805
(9), Z Chen, X Zhang, Y , Q. Zheng, N Chen, Zhi Qi-Jun*, beta-decay half-lives for waiting point nuclei around N=82,Acta Physica Sinica,2014,63(16)
(10), Q. Zhi, E. Caurier, J. J. Cuenca-García, K. Langanke, G. Martínez-Pinedo, and K. Sieja, Shell-model half-lives for r-process waiting point nuclei including first-forbidden contributions, Phys. Rev. C 87 (2013) 025803
(11), Q. Zhi, K. Langanke, G. Martinez-Pinedo, F. Nowacki, K. Sieja, The 76Se Gamow Teller strength distribution and its importance for stellar electron capture rates,Nuclear Physics A ,859, 172 (2011)
(12), Q. Zhi,Q Zheng, Shell model calcualtions of Gamow-Teller for 13N,,Acta Physica Sinica,60(11),(2011),156
(13), Q Zhi and Zhongzhou REN, Systematic studies on the exotic properties of isotopes from oxygen to calcium,Nuclear Physics A 794, 10 (2007)
(14), Q Zhi and Zhongzhou REN, Systematic calculations on the ground state properties of Mg isotopes by macroscopic–microscopic model, Phys. Lett. B. 638 (2006). 166
(15), Q. Zhi, Zhongzhou Ren, Xiaoping Zhang,The ground state properties of superheavy nuclei in the Macro-micro model. Commu. Theo. Phys. 50(3) 707-714
(16), Q. Zhi, Y. Mao and Z Ren,Macroscopic-microscopic calculations of ground state properties of superheavy nuclei, Front. Phys. China 2 (2006) 143
1. 基于FAST漂移扫描巡天的脉冲星统计观测和理论研究,国家自然科学基金委编号:U1731218,2018/01 -2021/12,主持,在研
2. 中国科学学交叉创新团队,基于射电天文大科学工程FAST的创新交叉团队,2017/01 -2019/12,参与,在研
3. 天体中R过程重元素合成机制网络计算研究,国家自然科学基金,编号:11565010,主持,201601-201912
4. 天体环境下禁戒跃迁对核弱相互作用几率和星体演化影响的计算研究,国家自然科学基金,编号:11165006,主持,201201-2016122
5. 中重核区一些奇特核性质的宏观微观模型研究, 国家自然科学基金,编号:10865001,主持,200901-201112
6. 贵州省核天体物理与脉冲星大数据科技创新团队,编号: [2015] 4015,主持,201510-201810
7. 宇宙中重元素合成关键问题研究,贵州省科技厅优秀青年科技人才资金,编号:[2011]29,主持, 201309-2016-09
8. 超新星环境下sdpf壳上一些核素电子俘获几率的研究,贵州省国际科技合作基金,编号:2011GZ27386,主持,201110-201312
9. 超重核性质和结构的理论研究,贵州省自然科学基金,编号:黔科合J字[2008]2254号,主持,200810-201010