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学术报告:Black hole X-ray binaries
2018-11-01 13:22     (点击: )

  间:20181102日(周五)1000 11:00


主  讲  人:游贝研究员


Black hole X-ray binaries are two-body systems, which are quite active and always attract great attention from astronomer over last century. In this binary system, the primary object is believed to be stellar-mass black hole, while the companion star are thought to be normal stellar or white dwarf. The black hole and companion star orbit around each other, and the matter from the companion is accreted onto BH, releasing gravitational energy and radiate in multi-bands from optical to hard X-ray, even Gamma ray. Moreover, Such binary system are observed to undergo transition of the flux from quiescent state to burst state. In the burst state, the luminosity of the system in X-ray band is at least 1000 times brighter than our Sun's radiation. Studying black hole X-ray binaries system will help us not only test Einstein's general relativity theory, but also better understand the magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD) in the nature. In this presentation, I will mainly talk about the spectral and timing properties of black hole X-ray binaries.


- 2014年博士毕业于上海天文台,导师为曹新伍研究员。主要研究课题:黑洞吸积物理,活动星系核。2013年曾获得博士研究生国家奖学金。

- 201410月至201710月,波兰哥白尼天文中心,博士后。主要研究课题:黑洞自旋测量以及活动星系核宽波段拟合。

- 2014年至今,武汉大学,研究员。主要研究课题:黑洞双星以及活动星系核外流,黑洞双星准周期振荡。

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